Slow Marketing

You’re probably familiar with the concept slow as an adjective for certain activities, such as slow-cooking, slow-fashion, slow-living… In this sense, the activities associated with the slow philosophy are those that allow us to slow down, connect with the moment and appreciate things more deeply. Let’s start at the beginning. The slow movement emerged in […]
The magic of communication.

The challenges that Communication professionals face every day are a result of the importance that this function has in Companies’ strategy. Being aware of the business objectives, monitoring the sales teams, recognising the efforts of human resources to retain and attract talent are some of the essential points for responding effectively. Sustained growth with satisfactory […]
I’m going to launch a new business: do I need a communication agency? Yes or no?

Getting a business idea off the ground and putting it into practice can be quite challenging. Most business plans reflect the strategy and how the business is intended to grow.