Just in time to kick off a new year, Forbes presents the 7 trends in PR for 2016.
We all know that times have changed and that the challenges are many. But what does the American magazine Forbes have to say that we don’t already know? Here goes.
1.The End of the Traditional Press Release
There is nothing new here, it has long been the case that writing a brilliant text about a product launch, a corporate event or the merger of two large companies is not enough to spontaneously win over the press. The reign of multimedia reigns, photos and videos have more and more relevance for communication. Select and maintain a solid relationship with influencers in your market. And don’t forget to keep an active presence on social media.
2.Original Content and Thought Leadership
Content management is always a thankless role for those managing a company’s communication. Before your company executives start posting content on the internet, create content related to your company values. The more authentic and original your communication is, the better results your company will get. Make your company a specialist in a certain topic, one that stands out from the rest. Dedicate yourself thoroughly to creating content related to it and achieve thought leadership in the market. Be the reference.
3.Native Advertising and Content Application
In 2015, the bet on content was big and the proposal to publish editorial content with useful information is a strong trend in 2016. This strategy strengthens thought leadership with audiences and increases the reach of your content among other audiences.
To generate more visibility, content should be worked on multiple platforms: social media, email marketing, press releases, etc. But each platform requires a type of content. A Facebook post or an email marketing can serve the same purpose, however each platform has its own best practices and most suitable formats. The content application must meet the specific requirements of the channel.
4.Haters and Relationship Opportunities
Social media has made it easier for people to access brands, becoming a two-way relationship channel. Unlike a television advertisement, a post on Facebook allows brands to closely monitor the repercussion generated among the public. In this scenario, brands can identify their advocates, and the most loyal consumers, but also their haters. Who out of impulse or bad experience with the brand use these channels to criticise and attack the company. Although it is a risk for the company’s corporate image, it is a great relationship opportunity.
To deal with social media comments, your team must be prepared and trained to deal with the different situations. And improve your audience’s experience before it becomes a PR nightmare. Never ignore a hater, they can cause real problems for your brand and corporate image. View attacks as relationship opportunities.
5.Online Reputation Management
In the same way that communication and marketing professionals have always known how to manage the reputation of brands and companies, this is also necessary and desirable in the online environment. A good reputation means long-term business.
Express your values in your online channels. The internet is a strong tool to reinforce your positioning and beliefs, as well as being one of the main points of contact with your audiences.
6.Less followers, more influencers
If a while ago we looked at the number of followers that each social network brought us, now the important thing is not so much the number of followers but the influencers that each social network highlights. Hence brands attentive to influencers develop relationship strategies with the most influential personalities in their market. In the medium term, your influencer relations initiatives will ensure more exposure and visibility for your brand.
Prioritise the quality of your followers and provide quality content. Focus on developing a network of influence among segmented audiences in 2016.
7. paid content promotion and social ads
Sometimes content no matter how innovative, interesting and with visual elements fails to reach its audience. Paid content promotion and social media advertising can help. Combine traditional PR tools with new digital approaches. For example, a press release is a traditional tool to reach the media. If this is promoted on social media as well, it will reach a much wider audience.