Looking for Talent!



Looking for Talent!

Attracting talent is one of the biggest challenges companies face today. In the technological field the shortage is evident, with a high growth in demand for solutions in a technological environment driven by the need for digital transformation in companies and institutions. It is estimated that our country needs 18 thousand people (when currently around 5 thousand graduates come out of the universities).
In addition to being insufficient, many recent graduates seek to start their careers abroad or by starting their own projects, further reducing the options for companies that need these resources. The combination of these factors contributes to an increasing competition between technological companies for the best talents “produced” in Portuguese educational institutions.

Leveraging the notoriety of a brand or company that becomes appealing to a potential candidate is a permanent objective of the human resources and marketing and communication teams.
Following and understanding this target audience is not easy, and it is necessary to meet their expectations and present a challenging future. For this, it is important to create conditions for creativity and sharing of ideas that allow the development of differentiated solutions close to the ambitions of potential candidates. Many universities and polytechnics already promote a close relationship with companies through protocols and business partnerships. Job and Entrepreneurship Fairs are excellent opportunities for contact between students and companies. Initiatives such as Jobshops or Pitch Bootcamps are some examples of sharing moments between students and companies that in an integrated communication strategy can be used to create value to brands.

Being close to candidates early on is an effective strategy in gaining their trust. For this, developing actions in university and polytechnic training centres is essential. By promoting consistent and coherent communication, companies are investing in a continuous relationship with one of their main capitals, the human resources. Talent is developed not only by the intrinsic conditions of each person but also by the support and follow-up given to them, and the companies and brands that are part, from an early age, of this growth will be those that will remain and have the best teams.